I’ve always had a big thing for Christmas. I think it’s because no matter how much money or how little money my parents had, somehow they always made Christmas seem so freaking magical!

I met my husband one March and by November that year, he had a pretty good idea of how important Christmas was to me. We had been shopping through a garden centre one day and he pointed out a cool concrete gargoyle. I went back later that week and bought it for him for Christmas. We were living in Medicine Hat, Alberta at the time and I needed to travel to a couple of different cities before we ended up in Red Deer, Alberta to spend Christmas with my parents. I had taken the gargoyle to the mall to have it wrapped by professional wrappers (my sister says she can always tell which gifts are wrapped by me because they look like they’ve been wrapped by a kindergarten kid). Then I slapped a tag on it to my grandparents from my aunt and had Rob haul this heavy ceramic concrete gargoyle in a box through all of Alberta for about a week. On Christmas morning, I pushed it towards him and told him it was actually for him!

Gideon, the gargoyle, has travelled back-and-forth across Canada and 23 years later still sits on our front porch and protects our family!
Christmas is going look a lot different for most of us this year but remember to take the time to take in the little things, that’s where the memories really are made! Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, may you find joy wherever you land.

The proper way to make a turkey sandwich, according to the Fritz family:
Heather and Sam (in this order):
- fresh bun
- butter both sides
- cranberries
- breast meat
- salt & pepper
- stuffing
- sliced green olives
Rob (in this order):
- fresh Sesame Seed Kaiser Roll
- butter on one side of the bun, cold gravy on the other
- brussel sprouts cut in half
- pack with mashed potatoes
- cover with mashed carrots and turnips
- dark turkey meat
- salt & pepper
- open a pack of Kraft dinner, cook and enjoy