Let’s talk about how to present and price your house in a seller’s market. A seller’s market means that there is less inventory than buyers. The upside for sellers is that you can usually sell your house quicker and for more money than in a buyer’s market. BUT you have to be careful, if you don’t present your house properly or if you over price it and it sits too long, it becomes a stinky listing way faster than it would in another kind of market. Buyers begin to wonder if there is something wrong with it much sooner than they would’ve if it had been a buyer’s market.

With that being said, this is a great time to sell houses that might not be optimal for people in the past. For example houses with odd floor plans, located on busier streets, have smaller yards, backing light industrial etc. Because there is less inventory, buyers are somewhat willing to make concessions on features that they may not have in the past. What you don’t want to do is miss the boat on cleaning, repairs and staging. Be sure that your house is just as presentable as it would be in a buyer‘s market. You want your house to be in great repair and be clean, fresh and in a state that people can envision themselves there… immediately. Buyers have to decide fast. If they can’t imagine themselves in your home right away, they will quickly move on!

Get your house ready: clean, declutter, repair, touch-up and hire a qualified real estate agent!